
by Pran Traisorat

The Story


Have you ever wondered what happens to all of the high thread count linen bedsheets in international hotel chains when the time comes for them to be replaced?

A sustainable and community-friendly fashion

Rather than letting this precious fabric go to waste, Linens4Life collects, recycles, and repurposes the sheets in a sustainable and community-friendly fashion, partnering with hill tribe communities in northern Thailand to produce embroidered tote bags from the discarded linens.

Pran Traisorat is dedicated to promoting sustainable practices and advancing positive social change at a grassroots level through his linens4life project.

The completed bags, bearing the distinctive traditional style of the hill tribe artisans, are available for sale at The Gallery and SOS retail outlets in Bangkok and Chiang Mai.

Crafted by Heart

Your Support

Now, nimble fingers create beautifully crafted tote bags from the decommissioned but perfectly serviceable fabrics. The hill tribe artisans gain steady employment and much needed income to support their families and communities.

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We proudly present our first collection, a collaborative effort between hotels and local communities:

an embroidered handcrafted tote bag, reflecting the creators’ lives, culture, and community identity.

Traditional Expertise

Community Engagement

The collection’s creators come from hill tribe families in Chiang Kham, Phayao province. These products showcase their traditional expertise in dyeing and embroidery.
Profits generated from bag sales are used to subsidize the production of school uniforms by a Chiang Rai community. The uniforms are then donated to underprivileged students in key communities.